We will gather with Tupperware full of home cooked goodies and table upon table of whole food purchased goodies as well.
Personally the home cooked offer the chance of getting a treat from another culture since we have such a large international and multiracial community. In my own home my kids represent just that as they are product of (Lusitania/Other Baltic?-Columbia/German)on their mom's side and (Scottish/Irish-Danish/German) on mine. So when I hear the narrative being spun in the media or in conversation about the rich white folk in ward 3 it gets my hackles UP. Besides like many we strive to make them aware of their past however the real focus on the NOW and that is what i find engaging in many of the kids in this community is how aware of NOW they are IMHO..
So for NOW myself and a great community will be gathering for a shared annual event around our beloved Janney and do what mankind has done for the last 5000 years. Share a meal. To bad the press or lamestream media won't cover the real character and melting pot~luck culture we value and they ballyhoo over in the talking head culture that is rampant in the District.
See you there.......