Friday, September 24, 2010

Janney Back to School Nite is HAPPENING

If you live in the GoldenZipCode and you happen to be part of the Janney Cult then tonight is one of the bigger festivals/rituals in AUP.

We will gather with Tupperware full of home cooked goodies and table upon table of whole food purchased goodies as well.     

Personally the home cooked offer the chance of getting a treat from another culture since we have such a large international and multiracial community.    In my own home my kids represent just that as they are product of (Lusitania/Other Baltic?-Columbia/German)on their mom's side and (Scottish/Irish-Danish/German) on mine.  So when I hear the narrative being spun in the media or in conversation about the rich white folk in ward 3 it gets my hackles UP.   Besides like many we strive to make them aware of their past however the real focus on the NOW and that is what i find engaging in many of the kids in this community is how aware of NOW they are IMHO..  

So for NOW myself and a great community will be gathering for a shared annual event around our beloved Janney and do what mankind has done for the last 5000 years.  Share a meal.   To bad the press or lamestream media won't cover the real character and melting pot~luck culture we value and they ballyhoo over in the talking head culture that is rampant in the District.

See you there.......

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